I started out having Z-Rex sitting on a towel. I figured that this would give him a safe place to sit that wasn't so slippery.
Baby Rex wasted no time at all diving into the paint. He was very intently studying the paintbrush bristles.
Z-Rex was all about the body paint this evening.
I just can not get enough of those little TOES!
In theory the towel was a good idea for Rex to sit on. However it lasted about 4 minutes. He had other ideas of how bathtub painting should go...
Rex decided to was much more fun to crawl and spin all around in the tub. Every once in a while I'd add few more squirts of paint until eventually him and the tub were just completely covered.

Clean up was really, really easy. I let the water run while I scrubbed the tub with a washcloth and a dab of baby shampoo. Baby Rex LOVES running water so this was a special treat. After the tub was fairly paint free I tackled Rex, it was tub night any how.
Happy Painting!
Happy Painting!